The Netherlands is a relatively ‘safe haven’ for your wealth in turbulent times. At Heeneman & Partners we have been able to minimize risks and establish stable returns throughout our Dutch real estate funds.
Heeneman & Partners was founded in 2009. As a fully independent firm, we are entirely dedicated to the interests of our investors, and we demonstrate our commitment by co-investing in our own funds. At Heeneman & Partners we initiate, structure, and manage real estate investment funds, with a strong focus on supermarkets, retail- and social impact real estate.
When you invest in a non-listed real estate fund, you are buying participations (and/or bonds) that enable a fund to purchase real estate across various sectors in The Netherlands. By purchasing participations in a fund, you become a co-owner of the real estate assets, which entitles you to a proportional share of the proceeds based on your investment.