

Heeneman & Partners fondsmanagement B.V. has a license to manage investment institutions as referred to in article 2:65, paragraph 1, sub a of the Financial Supervision Act (“Wft”).

Heeneman & Partners fondsmanagement B.V. is the fund manager of has a prospectus approved by the AFM as of 2019, which, however, is no longer being issued. However, the fund is currently open for subscription from €100,000 through the prospectus (dated June 15, 2024) based on 4:37 l Wft.

In addition, Heeneman & Partners fund management B.V. is the fund manager of C.V. Waterlandplein and

For the funds Winkelvastgoed 1 C.V., Winkelvastgoed 2 C.V., Amsterdam hotel 1, C.V. Gedempte Gracht, C.V. Het Lichtruim, C.V. KDV and Binnenstad Amsterdam I C.V., the fund manager is Heeneman & Partners Beheer B.V. These funds are exempt from an approved prospectus and fall under the “light regime”.

Due to laws and regulations, a number of documents have been placed on this page that you can download. Periodically, Heeneman & Partners fondsmanagement B.V. reports to De Nederlandsche Bank N.V. about its financial situation. In addition, Heeneman & Partners fund management B.V. has registered with Kifid, the financial services complaints institute. Our complaints procedure can be found at the bottom of this page.

Heeneman & Partners is registered with the FIU-Netherlands to report unusual transactions.

More information

For more information, please contact Heeneman & Partners.

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