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Heeneman & Partners

About Heeneman & Partners

Heeneman & Partners was founded in 2009. As a fully independent firm we are solely focused on the interests of our investors. At Heeneman & Partners we initiate, structure, and manage real estate investment funds. Entrepreneurship and the personal relationship with our clients are key to us. The Heeneman & Partners team is driven and compact, and has years of experience in setting up and managing real estate investment funds.

Would you like a personal conversation about participating in the Heeneman & Partners funds? Reach out to us to learn more about the possibilities.
Kantoor van Heeneman & Partners in Amsterdam

Why invest with Heeneman & Partners?

  • Personal contact with our clients
  • Long-term relationship with our 600+ clients
  • Investing with an entrepreneurial spirit
  • Years of expertise
  • Attractive track record
  • Real estate investments with a limited risk profile


€350 M+
Assets under management
average realised return
Real estate funds

Your Frequently Asked Questions Answered

How does the contact between me and Heeneman & Partners work?
What distinguishes Heeneman & Partners?
See all questions >
Kantoor van Heeneman & Partners in Amsterdam
Would you like a personal conversation about participating in the Heeneman & Partners funds? Contact us and inquire about the possibilities.
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